Can I reserve user licenses for specific purposes

Reality has a pool of ‘interactive’ user licenses for use by ‘interactive’ and server type connections into the database.

Some of these can be reserved for specific types of connections; this includes SQL, RealWeb, and Remote Basic connections.

To enable, environment variables need to be set within the ‘realityrc’ file which is found in $REALROOT/files on UNIX or %REALROOT%/files on Windows.

The environment variable is

 ‘REALRESERVExxxxx’             where ‘xxxxx’ is one of SQLSRVR, RWSRVR or RSCSRVR.

SQLSRVR is for SQL Connections
RWSRVR is for RealWeb Connections
RSCSRVR is for Remote Basic Connections

So a typical example may look like this

#reserve 8 licences for SQL


#reserve 2 licenses for RealWeb


Please note that reserving licenses will remove those licenses from the ‘interactive’ user license pool, reducing the number of connections available for those users.

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