Why aren't my new user or extended feature keys invoked after applying

New or updated keys applied will take affect after a while or a restart following a manual stopping of Reality with a killreal or a system reboot.

Systems will continue to run until any licence expiry date is reached. You can see the current license status on V14.0+ systems using LIST REALITY-LICENCE in SYSMAN.

How to invoke keys instantly
You can safely invoke keys to take affect instantly using the following…
… killreal -l6    < lowercase -L6 – this ups logging levels, but also forces a licence check
… killreal -l4    < lowercase -L4 –  this takes the logging level down to normal – IT MUST BE DONE or system performance may be impacted and logs quickly filled and reused.

Note: When using multiple instances:
You will need to invoke the new keys for each instance being affected, as they each have their own central daemon that needs to invoke the new keys.
On Windows use realroot instance_number
On UNIX use  . realroot  instance_number (i.e. from root use a dot (.) before the realroot command so the killreal script picks up the instance being set.
… then use the killreal commands as above.

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